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Translation Á Senë [Let It Go] (Disney Fandubs) to English

Á Senë [Let It Go]

Let Go

I lossë ná silma oronessë
The snow is glowing white on the mountain
Cenin runyar tás nar ui
I see there are no footprints
Aranië eressëo
Kingdom of solitude
Ar so nanyë i tari
And of it I am the queen
Súrë húnëa va hwinyala raumo mi
Wind is howling like swirling storm within
Rincenyë halyas, úturnen imni
I tried to conceal it, I did not control myself
Á útana hya úfelë
Don't show or don't feel
Horyanyë lenga va mána wendë
I am compelled to behave like a good maiden
Halyan imnë, unistantë
I conceal myself, they do not know
Sín istantë
Now they know
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Umin polë nuhtaryë
I cannot prevent it
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Holya ando cana nyë
Close gate behind me
Umin apë ita quetuvantë
I am not concerned that which they will say
Nai raumo rávë
Let the storm-noise roar
Nico fëanya i niquë umë
The cold does not chill my spirit
Cenin palan i quanda
I see far and wide that all the
mordö felë nimpë
obscurity feels small
Ar i cauri ya turnenyer
And the fears that controlled me
They will not reach me
Silumë tyastuvan imnë
At this time I will test myself
Úvan ná lanya ullumë
I will not be bound ever
Olca, manë, lásanyi nin
Evil, good, no rules for me
I am free
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Wiluvanyë fanyaresser
I will fly among the skies
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Útanuvan nier
I will not show tears
Sís tarin
Here I stand
Ar sís harin
And here I stay
Nai raumo rávë
Let the storm-noise roar
Ingolenya ná pilwë aicassëo
My magic is a robbery of the mountain peak
Súlenya mapëa i venwë lossënírëo
My soul is taking the shape of a snow-tear
Ar min sanwë hilca ve helcë silima
And one thought freezes like crystalline ice
Úpeluvanyë tás
I will not return there
Vanwië ná vanwa
Past is past
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Ortuvanyë va i áva
I will rise like the dawn
Á senë, á senë
Let go, let go
Ilvana nís vanwa
Perfect woman is gone
Sís tarin
Here I stand
In the daylight
Nai raumo rávë
Let the storm-noise roar
Nico fëanya i niquë umë
The cold does not chill my spirit

Songs of the band Disney Fandubs with translation to English:

Celebrantes consociatis [Ring in the Season (Reprise)]
Ego volo iam fieri rex [I Just Can't Wait To Be King]
How Far I'll Go - Swedish Fandub
Līberō [Let It Go]
C'a Pozz Fa [Almost There]
Ôltû ē [Know Who You Are] (Mervian)